Feedback from our Algae Customers

A woman in Brittish Columbia, Canada writes:

As mentioned on the phone during my recent order request, I am a fibromyalgia sufferer. I started taking blue green algae on the recommendation of a friend, but I didn't really believe that it would help me in any way. However it has helped quite a bit. In order to test it more fully, I deliberately stopped using the product for a while. What I have noticed is that my energy level has dropped dramatically over the past few months. Also my pain level has increased. The only difference in my lifestyle and diet is the omittance of the blue green algae. Needless to say I have decided to start taking it once more and hope to have an increase in energy once I have been on the product for approx one month.

Thanks for helping me with my order.

An AIDS patient in Missouri writes:

I recently discovered your website and thought I'd take a look.
A little over a year ago, I was hospitalized with histoplasmosis, linked to AIDS. For an extremely dangerous amount of time, the doctors were unable to diagnose my condition. Shortly after my admission to the hospital, my partner began giving me blue-green algae tablets. My recovery seemed to begin almost immediately.
While I'm not sure of the manufacturer of this particular tablet, I do honestly believe it helped save my life.
We acquired this algae from an aquaintence who distributes dietary supplements.
I also would like my local pharmacy to carry blue-green algae. They have expressed an interest in doing so. Could you possible send them some information?
Thank you for your time and consideration

A woman in Tennessee writes:

I have just begun using your products and I was buying from Cell Tech. I find your approach much more gentle and I enjoyed speaking to the woman with whom I placed my order. She suggested I try the liquid blue green algae along with the capsules. I just tasted it and not only does it taste good but it perked me up. This will be great to use right before going to the gym at the end of a hectic day.
Three of my friends are also using your products and I'll be talking to more!
It's nice to know I can get this product without the hassle of the MLM people.


Please send us your feedback via email.

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